Health and Wellness (HSW)
HSW 200: Nutrition (3 credits)
This course covers the basic principles of nutrition, including the study of dietary nutrients, and the effect of inadequate, excessive, or deficient levels on human health across the lifespan. The use of food analysis tools, including tables and labels will also be examined. Additional topics may include: nutrition-related disorders, special diet, ethnicity and impact on food choice, nutritional requirements during different stages of life.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 207: Seven Dimensions of Wellness (2 credits)
This course explores the Seven Dimensions of Wellness Model (intellectual, physical, social/cultural, environment, occupational, spiritual, and emotional) and how they interact in a way to achieve a healthy, holistic lifestyle. The concept of wellness will be explored and each of the dimensions of wellness within the model will be studied. The student will be introduced to assessment tools to assess a person’s level of wellness and develop a plan of action for achieving an optimal healthy, holistic lifestyle.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 300: Fitness Throughout the Lifespan (3 credits)
This course teaches students how to develop a fitness program that complements a healthy, well lifestyle throughout the lifespan. The student will explore the basic principles of fitness and design an exercise program, articulating how being physically active regardless of age or physical disability relates in a healthier you.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 351: Children's Health and Nutrition (3 credits)
This course focuses on health and wellness, safety, exercise and nutritional factors for promoting optimal growth and development of children through the teen years utilizing the seven dimensions of health and wellness. Childhood illnesses and health conditions, health assessment tools and measures, safety strategies, personal hygiene, emotional wellness, nutrition and exercise will be examined.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 352: Women's Health and Wellness Issues (3 credits)
This course investigates personal health and wellness topics of particular interest to women today. The physical and psychological aspects of illness and wellness are pursued through such topics as nutrition, eating disorders, hormonal changes, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, addictions, malignancies, osteoporosis, and related issues utilizing the seven dimensions of health and wellness.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 353: Men's Health and Wellness Issues (3 credits)
This course examines various aspects of male health paying particular attention to wellness and disease prevention utilizing the seven dimensions of health and wellness. Health screenings appropriate to males will be discussed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be the starting point for reviewing statistics of male health issues and for the investigation of identifying strategies and interventions to assist in male health and wellness over the lifespan.
Lab fee: $40
HSW 400: Capstone: A Healthier Community (3 credits)
This course will provide the student the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge learned in previous courses by applying the knowledge in the development of a comprehensive plan of wellness resulting in a healthier community. This plan will address a holistic approach to general health, prevention, early screening, exercise, nutrition and emotional well-being across the lifespan utilizing the seven dimensions of health and wellness.
Lab fee: $40