Nursing (BSN)

BSN 220:  Health Assessment    (3 credits)  
Students transition to an expanded level of practice in the context of health assessment in this course. They learn and demonstrate a conceptual approach to an evidence-based health evaluation of culturally diverse clients throughout the lifespan. Assignments include the analysis and evaluation of clinical case students to help students develop and refine their clinical skills. Students elicit, record, and document a comprehensive health systems interview in order to obtain subjective data and perform and document a complete physical examination on a client of their choice.
Prerequisite: ENG 124, COM 111  
BSN 350:  Global and Population Health    (3 credits)  
Students expand their practice in the area of national and global healthcare policies and diversity in this course. Students prepare for the nurse's role in preserving and promoting health among vulnerable and diverse populations. Additionally, principles of epidemiology, culturally competent care, social determinants of health (SDOH), population health, and resource allocation through valuebased care are evaluated. The course introduces analysis, planning, organization, and delivery of services for vulnerable and diverse populations in diverse settings, including illness prevention, disaster preparedness, and environmental health.
Prerequisite: BSN 220, COM 111, ENG 124, WEL 331  
BSN 400:  Community Health and the Nursing Professional    (6 credits)  
Students expand their knowledge of community health as an important component of professional practice in this course. They explore the connections among and between individuals, families, and groups to community healthcare in the context of prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation. Students analyze and evaluate the settings of community based nursing, the characteristics of a healthy community, and applying the nursing process focused on safety and evidence-based practice in the community. Students conduct and submit a community assessment and lead discussions of their findings related to course content.
Prerequisite: BSN 410  
BSN 405:  Nursing Informatics and Management of Healthcare Information    (3 credits)  
This course provides an overview of information technology, communication, technologies, and management of healthcare information to impact patient outcomes positively. Health information technology is required for person-centered service across the continuum and requires consistency in user input, proper process, and improved delivery of safe and quality care management. Additionally, informatics, communication technologies, and information management in healthcare settings change how people, processes, and policies interact. This course teaches students that nursing informatics synthesizes nursing science, information science, and computer science through health applications to support decision-making in a dynamic healthcare environment.
BSN 410:  Research for the Nursing Professional    (3 credits)  
Students learn to identify, analyze, and apply evidence-based healthcare and nursing research to their professional practice in this practice. They outline the differences in approach and compare the strengths and weaknesses in quantitative and qualitative nursing research. Students review healthcare research problems, questions, hypotheses, literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, and ethical behavior in current healthcare research, methodology, and findings. Students critique research articles and reports, becoming discriminating professional consumers of research. They demonstrate how they will use this evidence-based research in their nursing practice, and how they will participate in interdisciplinary research while protecting the rights of research subjects.
Prerequisite: MAT 120 and WEL 331  
BSN 440:  Professional Nursing Capstone I    (3 credits)  
Students synthesize and apply their education as a baccalaureate prepared registered nurse in the first of two capstone courses. In Capstone I, with the assistance of the professor, the student develops and implements a plan for investigating an area of clinical or healthcare at an institution or organization at which they might like to work or advance. Students use this experience to synthesize and apply the nursing and university knowledge developed in the program. As they progress through both capstone courses, the student will submit weekly descriptions and evaluation of her experiences and participate in weekly discussions to assist in making sense of experiences and gaining insight from the Bay Path learning community on the challenges faced.
Prerequisite: BSN 400, BSN 410, and WEL 441  
BSN 450:  Professional Nursing Capstone II    (3 credits)  
Students complete their final, and extensive, experience in this course and reflect on their learning in the program and their future. As part of this final experience, the students prepare and present a presentation and paper that clearly outlines the level to which their experience in the program and capstone has met the BSN program learning outcomes, their plan for their career and future, and their recommendations for strengthening the program. Students complete the Senior Exit Interview in this course.
Prerequisite: BSN 440