ePortfolio and Digital Badging

Prior to graduation, Bay Path students are expected to be able to articulate how experiences both in and out of the classroom have contributed to their overall learning and development. The Bay Path ePortfolio enables students to reflect upon their accomplishments and collect evidence (papers, presentations, videos, etc.) of these experiences so that, upon graduation, students can articulate their specific knowledge, competencies, and skills. Additionally, the University will examine selected ePortfolios to assess how well the students are meeting the institution’s learning outcomes. All students are required to complete a comprehensive ePortfolio as a graduation requirement.

Digital badges are “micro-credentials” designed to make visible and validate learning in both formal and informal settings, and hold the potential to help transform where and how learning is valued. They are housed online and can be displayed in a student’s ePortfolio, LinkedIn profile, and other areas. At Bay Path University, digital badges are awarded to students as a direct result of curricular, extra-curricular and/or competency-based learning gains. Each badge reflects the rigorous and multi-faceted student experience that aligns with the institutional mission and learning outcomes.

Support for digital badging is provided Hatch Learning Commons and can be reached at badging@baypath.edu or (413) 565-6880. Support for ePortfolio learning is provided via the Advising and ePortfolio Office. Students have access to an ePortfolio Coordinator, located in the Advising & ePortfolio Center in D’Amour Hall. The Coordinator introduces students to ePortfolios via the WELL program, delivers workshops and other events related to ePortfolio development, tracks student progress, and assists students with developing and completing ePortfolios while at Bay Path. The ePortfolio Coordinator can be reached at (413) 565-1549 or by email at ePortfolio@baypath.edu.