International Study

Study Abroad

Study abroad options include short travel/study seminars as well as the more traditional full-semester program of study and may include internships. The advantages of study abroad are open to students of most majors, typically in their junior year. To qualify for this program, students must be in good academic standing and must have no outstanding incompletes. Students wishing to study abroad should contact the Study Abroad Coordinator for information and application. For spring travel, applications must be submitted to the Study Abroad Coordinator by March 15th of the preceding spring. For fall travel, applications must be submitted to the Study Abroad Coordinator no later than November 15th of the preceding fall.

Applicants who are approved for study abroad must submit an External Credit Pre-Approval Form that is supported by the student’s academic advisor and respective Department Chair. Once this form has been approved, the student will be enrolled in a variable number of credits of BPU Study Abroad courses associated with the student’s international enrollment. In order to receive academic credit at Bay Path University, students must provide a final official transcript from the international institution, and course grades must be at the C- level or above to be eligible. All earned credit will reflect a P (passing) grade and will not be calculated as part of the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Students who wish to obtain financial aid must be enrolled in a full-time program of study approved for transfer credit by the University. In most cases, eligible students may use federal and state grants and loans toward the cost of study abroad, but may be limited to a single semester. Students are also encouraged to apply for scholarship funds which are available exclusively to students for international study. The University reserves the right to limit the number of students studying abroad during any given semester.

Capitals of the World/National Landmarks

Each spring break, when international travel is judged to be appropriate and there are a minimum number of participants, students may have the opportunity to visit a different world center on a University-sponsored tour. If deemed more appropriate, a national landmark will become the destination for the tour. International travel fellowships are available to students.