Declaring Dual Degrees

Multiple Bachelor Degrees

Students may elect to earn two Bachelor’s degrees in a single, simultaneous, integrated program of study by submitting a completed Declaration of Program Change Form to the Registrar’s Office that has been approved by their academic advisor and the respective Department Chair of the second degree program.

Students cannot earn dual degrees in the same degree discipline (i.e. two Bachelor of Science in Business degrees) To earn dual degrees, students must earn a minimum of 30 credits of unduplicated coursework beyond their initial degree program while also meeting all requirements of both degrees.

While overlapping coursework is counted towards meeting the requirements of both degrees, attempting to earn dual degrees invariably requires substantial additional coursework beyond that of a single degree, students may need to enroll in extra terms as an undergraduate student to complete the additional coursework needed to earn both degrees. The program of study for the dual degree must be carefully developed by the student in consultation with either their advisor or the Department Chair from both degree programs to ensure that the student can complete all the requirement for both degrees in a timely manner. The University cannot guarantee the offering of courses for students to earn dual degrees in a timely manner.

Students who successfully complete a dual degree program receive two diplomas (one for each degree earned) and both degrees are formally recognized on their academic record/transcript.

Bachelor to Master Degrees

Bay Path offers the following built-in dual degree combinations in which traditional undergraduate students take specified graduate coursework in their senior year and have it applied towards both their Bachelor and Master degree without needing to formally declare the dual degree:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Occupational Therapy Studies to Master of Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Science (Pre-Pharmacy major) to Doctor of Pharmacy1
  • Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies to Juris Doctor2


The Doctor of Pharmacy and all associated coursework is offered through Western New England University. Coursework completed externally must be completed with a transferable grade to be transferred towards completion of the Bachelor of Science in Medical Science degree requirements.


The Juris Doctor and all associated coursework is offered through Western New England University. Please refer to the Legal Studies 3+3 Program page for further information.

These dual degree combinations do not require any formal declaration.