Late Work Policy

The American Women’s College aims to strike a balance in its academic policies between supporting student success and recognizing that the realities of students’ non-academic responsibilities require flexibility in the completion of academic work.  We have identified that starting a course behind in our accelerated sessions often leads to non-completion. It is very important that you proactively communicate with your instructor about your assignments.

  • No late work will be accepted in Week 1, in compliance with federal regulations and University policy. There are no exceptions for Week 1 coursework.
  • Instructors may accept a late assignment during Weeks 2 through 5, up until 11:59 PM EST of the Wednesday following the assignment due date. 
    • Prior to the due date, students are required to communicate with their instructor via Canvas message or Bay Path University email that an assignment will be late. 
    • In some cases an exception may be warranted; please work with your instructor to discuss.
  • KnowledgePath (KP) activities should be submitted by the set due date
    • They may be revised to improve your learning and score throughout the duration of the course. 
      • Revision to improve does not apply to classes utilizing KP quizzes, also sometimes called KP assessments, which include select math and other courses
  • Discussions are designed to demonstrate active engagement with the course material. 
    • If an initial discussion post is submitted late, no credit will be awarded, however; students can still earn partial credit if their peer responses are submitted/occur on time (as pertains to the given course modality, such as online or hybrid).
  • The policy related to quizzes and exams varies by course. Please carefully review the information provided within your individual course. 
  • Time-sensitive lab experiments (such as those that require coordination on a specific day/time) cannot be made up.  
  • Any acceptable late assignments (defined as anything other than discussions, labs, and quizzes/exams) will suffer a 30% deduction taken prior to other possible deductions. For example, in an assignment of 100 points, it would automatically start at a grade of 70 if the 30% late deduction is applied, and any additional deductions based on the rubric reduce the grade further.
  • No late work will be accepted in Week 6 as the course ends on the final Saturday at 11:59 PM EST.  Please refer to the Incomplete Grade policy for additional information. 
  • Exceptions (except for week 1, week 6, initial discussion posts, or time-sensitive labs) are at the instructor’s discretion in consultation with the program director.