Justice Studies, B.A.
Academic Programs
The Bachelor of Arts in Justice Studies degree provides graduates with a marketable alternative to the traditional Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree (i.e., law enforcement, corrections, and probation). Generational and demographic shifts, technological breakthroughs, employment and income inequality, environmental concerns, resource limitations, and international and domestic terrorism are major factors impacting communities and institutions in this country and throughout the world. Law enforcement agencies and other public safety programs need graduates with broad interdisciplinary perspectives on our rapidly changing world, with exceptional problem-solving, leadership and communications skills, and the ability to build strong coalitions of people of diverse backgrounds and common interests. The Bachelor of Arts in Justice Studies offers students the preparation they need to understand and address the challenges faced by public safety, law enforcement, and other public service professionals in their communities, their home states, and throughout the nation and the world.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Justice Studies program, graduates will be able to:
- Critically examine and explain the concepts of justice and injustice and their potential for impact on the individual, the community, institutions, the nation, and the world we live in.
- Respond critically and effectively to social, legal, economic, political, and ethical challenges to justice in their communities.
- Develop a working knowledge of social behavior with a focus on open communications, conflict resolution and fairness.
- Clarify what, why and how best practices apply in a wide variety of justice related situations.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in one-on-one, small group and large group environments (orally and in writing) utilizing multiple forms of current and emerging media to support their messaging
- Demonstrate the ability to effectively navigate and work within political, governmental, Justice and enterprise systems and processes.