Unpaid Leave of Absence for Professional Development and Educational Pursuits
A faculty member who has completed more than one year of continuous full-time service is eligible for an unpaid leave of absence, normally not to exceed one year, for professional development relative to one’s position at the University requiring extended absence from normal employment responsibilities when mutually agreeable to the University and the faculty member.
The unpaid leave of absence will not be granted for the purpose of providing an extended unpaid vacation, nor is the leave of absence granted to provide an opportunity to explore another career.
A written request for a leave of absence should be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.
The time spent on an unpaid leave of absence will not be counted in determining “years of service,” in determining pension benefits, vacation eligibility, or other fringe benefits which may relate to length of service; however, all “years of service” rendered prior to a leave of absence will be counted and date of service for purposes of determining professional rank and continuing appointment eligibility will include years of full-time employment prior to a leave of absence.
A faculty member will not be entitled to direct compensation or benefits while on leave of absence.
A leave of absence by definition implies an intention on the part of the faculty member and the University to reestablish normal relationships at a specified date; however, circumstances related to a leave of absence may result in the employee’s subsequent choice to terminate employment with the University.
If this alternative develops, the University expects the faculty member to follow the same time requirements for notice of their decision to the University that they would observe were they on the payroll.
A faculty member’s leave of absence may necessitate the employment of a replacement to discharge their responsibilities during their leave of absence. While the institution will take all reasonable steps to safeguard a position of the faculty member on leave, it may be unable to guarantee reemployment in a position consistent with the faculty member’s capabilities at the end of the leave of absence. To the extent such circumstances are predictable; the University will make an effort to clarify such conditions before the faculty member goes on leave of absence.
Note: See the Bay Path University Operations Manual for Family and Medical Leave, Funeral Leave, Jury Duty and Court Witness Leave, and Military Leave.