Overload Teaching Policy

1. Overload limits

Full-time faculty members may accept up to two, three-credit overload courses per fiscal year during the time that the faculty member is under contract with the University as specified in the annual appointment letter. The total number of overloads for the fiscal year during the time that a faculty member is under contact with the University may not exceed six credits.

There is no restriction on the number of courses or amount of credits taught during the time that a faculty member is not under contract with the University. Courses taught during the time that a faculty member is not under contract with the University will be compensated via appointment letter.

2. Department Chairs/Assistant Chairs/Program Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors 

Chairs/Program Directors/Coordinators are not eligible to receive additional compensation in the form of overloads and stipends for duties that are already compensated for through the administrative course release or are assumed to be part of the position description (e.g., new course development and preparation, curriculum development, program planning). The course release is provided for the sole purpose of providing schedule relief for handling administrative duties, hence, Department Chairs/Assistant Chairs/Program Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors are not eligible to receive concurrent course release(s) and overload compensation during the same contract semester or year. Exceptions can only be granted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs

3. Pre-approval

Overloads taught during the time a full-time faculty member is under contract must be preapproved in writing by the faculty member's Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs prior to the start of the course. This includes courses taught outside of a faculty member’s department and/or division, including The American Women’s College (TAWC).

Faculty members of other departments may request an assignment of an overload course for which they are qualified outside their department prior to part-time faculty being assigned the courses.

Full-time faculty in the undergraduate division must submit their completed Faculty Workload Sheet to their Program Chair/Dean no later than September 1 and full-time faculty in the graduate division must submit their completed Faculty Workload Sheet to their Program Director/Dean no later than October 15 and include ALL courses to be taught within the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), including and noting all overload courses, directed study courses and other courses compensated via Additional Compensation. The form must be signed and approved by the faculty member's Dean in order for overloads to be approved. All Faculty Workload Sheets must be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs for final review. The Vice President of Academic Affairs has ultimate authority to approve or deny overload teaching requests for any reason whatsoever. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs regarding approval or denial is final.

Overload payment requests submitted without prior approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and/or without an approved Faculty Workload Sheet will not be paid.

4. Load calculation

Before overloads can be assigned or calculated, department chairs/program directors/coordinators must ensure all full-time faculty have fulfilled or will be able to fulfill their required number of courses for the fiscal year.

WELL program teaching and one-credit Honors or WiSH courses shall not be counted toward the total number of overload courses, even though these courses may include additional compensation.

Full-time faculty who have received course equivalencies for additional duties may not be eligible for overload teaching while fulfilling those additional duties. Overload courses shall be offered to qualified full-time faculty before being offered as courses to adjunct faculty.

5. Payment of Overload Compensation

To initiate payment of an overload, the faculty member must submit an Overload Request Form  to their Dean for signature. The signed form will then be forwarded to the Office Academic Affairs for approval, verification and processing.

​The form must be accompanied by:

  • Pre-approved Faculty Workload Sheet;
  • Faculty Course Listing Report identifying which courses fulfill the faculty members regular load and which courses are overloads, directed study courses and courses paid via Additional Compensation are also noted.

Because faculty may fulfill their contractual teaching loads within an academic year overloads may be calculated and paid once it is clear that contractual obligations are or will be met. This is not possible to determine until at least after the traditional program fall semester. The Office of Academic Affairs determines which course(s) are overloads and the rate and date of compensation for these courses. All overloads will be paid through the Office of Academic Affairs.

All overload requests must be received by the Office of Academic Affairs no later than June 1.

Once the approved form and all required documentation have been verified for completeness by the Office of Academic Affairs, the original will be sent to payroll for processing and copies will be sent to Human Resources and the approving Dean. A copy will be kept in the Office of Academic Affairs.