Scholarly and Creative Activity

For faculty, the chief objectives of scholarly and creative activity are to encourage continual professional development, to obtain recognition as leaders in their respective disciplines, and to enhance teaching and value to students. The University supports and rewards faculty who engage in advanced study and completion of advanced degrees, research (including classroom-based research) and publication, preparation of grant proposals, and other creative or productive activities related to the discipline and/or courses taught.

The following activities are expected as components of individual faculty member’s scholarly and creative activities and should be documented on the annual report and plan:

  1. Active membership in at least one professional organization related to the discipline/courses taught.
  2. Regular professional scholarship and creative activity that contributes to the discipline(s) taught.
  3. Attendance at least once a year at one workshop/conference or alternative scholarly or creative activity appropriate for the enrichment of teaching.
  4. One or more additional activities from among the following: completion of graduate courses, participation in research, creative art or technology production, invention, presentations at national, international, or local conferences or workshops, publications in one’s professional field, or grant proposal preparation.
  5. Presentation of workshops, seminars, guest lectures at Bay Path that further strengthen and enrich the learning community for other faculty and students. This activity should be documented on the faculty member’s annual performance plan as evidence of scholarly and creative activity and service to the University community. Such activity may be eligible for additional compensation when it occurs outside of the faculty member’s contract.
  6. Other activities that may be appropriate faculty development, such as collaborative efforts with colleagues to develop new curricula or prepare competitive grant proposals for the University. These activities should be discussed with your Dean or with the respective divisional Vice President before they are undertaken.

Each full-time faculty member is required to complete a professional development plan by October 1. The plan must be approved by the appropriate Dean and becomes a part of the faculty member’s annual report.

Faculty are encouraged to apply for support through the Faculty Research and Creative Works Grant Process.  As a condition of accepting University funding, faculty members who use institutional funds to attend and present at a conference/meeting must include the conference/meeting in the Annual Faculty Achievements and Professional Development report, which is appended to the University’s Annual Report.