Posting a Syllabus to Canvas

Upload a Syllabus

All faculty are required to post a syllabus to Canvas. A standard syllabus template is available on Bay Path Community. Please check before the start of each term to make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the template. To determine if you have the current version, please compare the version date in the footer of your syllabus to the version date next to the corresponding template link. University Policies and Resources that were previously contained within syllabus templates are now available to students via the course navigation menu of Canvas. This navigation link should remain enabled for all courses.  

For detailed instructions on how to post a syllabus to Canvas please refer to the Canvas Guide linked here

Publish Your Course

Students cannot view a course until it is published. This allows instructors to make changes to the course in private and not share the course with students until it is complete. In addition, once a course is published, changes will trigger notifications to students. As a result, it is best to have the course complete before publishing and, once published, to minimize any changes to the course. 

For detailed instructions on how to publish your course please refer to the Canvas Guide linked here

Please note that you can only “unpublish” a course before students begin interacting with it.  Faculty teaching TAWC will have access to their Canvas classroom 2 1/2 weeks prior to the first assignment due date and a week before the course is published by academic technology staff for students.