Directed Study

Directed Study courses, in undergraduate and graduate programs, serve two important functions at Bay Path University. A directed study course may fulfill a requirement in a student’s program of study, or a directed study may provide a student the opportunity to work with a faculty member on an elective course in an area not included in a specific course in a given program.

Compensation for Faculty for Directed Study Courses

Courses with enrollment of four or less students may be considered for directed study, pursuant to the approval of the Program Director, Dean and University Registrar.  Department Chairs/Program Directors/Coordinators will receive half a load (0.5) for directed study courses when the course does not meet the minimum enrollment of five students and falls within the terms (9, 10, 12-month) of their contract. All other full-time faculty without administrative responsibilities will receive compensation of $500 per student for directed study courses for low enrolled courses.

Compensation for directed study courses for elective courses will have compensation of $500 per student. Funds are available through the Division of Academic Research and Academic Resources via the Directed Study Grant (see Student Research Program).

If the number of students in one directed study reaches five or more students, the directed study will be credited as one load. Deans are responsible for approving and submitting payroll requests for faculty compensation for directed studies in their school each semester.

Faculty are restricted to one directed study course per semester.  Exceptions can only be granted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.