Deans of Schools

The three schools – School of Education, Psychology & Humanities, School of Health & Natural Sciences and School of Management & Technology are each headed by a full-time dean who serves as the academic leader and administrator for the department and programs which comprise their area.

Specific responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the Dean may include but are not limited to:

  1. Academic Program Oversight
    • With Bay Path's Core Values as a foundation, provide visionary leadership for and effective management of all departments and programs housed within the school to envision, shape and revitalize the academic vision for the University's future.
    • Lead departments and faculty in annual program review and revision, incorporating external perspectives in this process.
    • Lead the School in the assessment of student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness including the development and annual update of the departmental assessment plan and participation in the campus-wide assessment institute.
    • Report assessment data according to the schedule provided by Academic Affairs.
    • Participate in the development, refinement, and oversight of academic policies and procedures.
    • In collaboration with the faculty, engage in initiatives to ensure the creation, development, monitoring, and evaluation of sound, evidence-based curricula and high-quality instruction.
  2. Faculty Development and Oversight
    • Lead the recruitment, hiring, supervision, mentoring, and evaluation of full-time and adjunct faculty in the School.
    • Evaluate faculty, including adjunct faculty, according to established guidelines.
    • Actively promote the professional development of faculty and work directly with faculty in the development of individual faculty development plans.
    • Review student course evaluations each semester.
    • Conduct an ongoing process of classroom teaching observations.
    • Conduct an ongoing assessment of faculty satisfaction.
    • Develop and nurture a strong faculty community within the School.
  3. Resource Generation and Management
    • In collaboration with the faculty and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, implement an ongoing process for the development of and scanning for new curricular ideas and initiatives.
    • Recommend and monitor budget to ensure cost-effective use of available resources.
    • Identify and assist in obtaining new revenue streams to support the expansion of School programs and infrastructure.
    • In collaboration with the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and Vice President for University Relations & Board Liaison, develop and execute a robust plan for fundraising and resource development, including external grants.
  4. Partnership Building
    • Serve as a lead ambassador for the programs housed within the School, creating the necessary external partnerships (local, regional, and national) to support student and faculty success.
    • Develop strategic partnerships with school systems and B2B partners. 
    • Play an active role in obtaining sites for student internships, co-ops, and other experiential learning opportunities in collaboration with Sullivan Career and Life Planning Center (SCLP).
    • Maintain an active presence on the campus including attendance at all major university events (e.g. Commencement, Convocation, Academic Achievement Day) and student events.
    • Represent the School on appropriate committees and to external constituencies and report back to faculty.
    • In collaboration with faculty and other deans, identify and actively promote opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
  5. Student Enrollment, Success & Retention
    • Increase student enrollment and persistence at all levels through programmatic revisions, effective recruitment strategies, astute financial aid management and scholarship opportunities.  
    • Work collaboratively with Sullivan Career and Life Planning Center to ensure that students receive adequate career development and job placement assistance.
    • Lead School efforts to provide students with clear pathways to college success and ensure that they are adequately prepared for graduate school, entry into a profession, or professional advancement.
    • Work collaboratively with the Admissions Office in the recruitment of students at undergraduate and graduate levels and participate in student recruitment events and processes as requested (e.g. open houses, prospective student phone calls).
    • Troubleshoot student and faculty issues and act on appeals according to institutional policies and procedures.
    • Analyze the need for student academic support and make recommendations as appropriate.
    • Lead the administration of academic support services to ensure that students across all levels and programs are optimally supported.
    • In collaboration with other deans, develop means for assessing student satisfaction and responding to areas of concern.
  6. General Administration
    • In consultation with the President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, set goals and accomplish them with the cooperation of other faculty within and outside of the School.
    • Prepare reports for Board of Trustees meetings.
    • Serve as liaison for coordinating the resolution of issues pertaining to all students within the School.
    • Develop procedures and standards for operations within the School.
    • Hold School meetings as noted on the annual Academic Affairs calendar.
    • Complete any other assignments as requested by the Office of Academic Affairs.
  7. Evaluation of Deans
    Deans are evaluated annually by the Vice President for Academic Affairs through the Bay Path University administrative evaluation process.