Sexual Misconduct and Civil Rights Policy (Title IX)

Bay Path University affirms its commitment to promote the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational enterprise. In compliance with Title IX, the University has articulated a comprehensive policy on discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct that is broadly named the Sexual Misconduct and Civil Rights Policy. The policy is applicable to all members of the University community, including students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, staff, guests, visitors, campers, etc. The term sexual misconduct is inclusive of a range of behaviors including:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Non-consensual sexual intercourse
  • Non-consensual sexual contact
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying
  • Intimidation
  • Hazing
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Stalking

This comprehensive policy addresses the manner in which Bay Path University will: prevent sexual misconduct; encourage and respond to reports of sexual misconduct; and comply with applicable laws.

The policy addresses the following key elements:

  • Purpose and scope of the policy
  • Role of Title IX Coordinator and other key University personnel
  • Definitions of prohibited conduct, with illustrative examples
  • Definition and explanation of concept of consent
  • Support and resource information for victims of sexual assault
  • Prevention education requirements
  • Campus reporting options, including confidential and anonymous reporting options
  • Formal reporting options for university and law enforcement response
  • Investigation and resolution procedures via the Equity Resolution Process (ERP)
  • Retaliation and remedial action
  • Amnesty
  • Federal statistical reporting guidelines
  • Sanctions
  • Resources, support and contact information

The full text of the policy is available on the MyBayPath portal and from the Bay Path University website. Questions and reports can be directed to Peter Testori, Title IX Coordinator, at or (413) 565-1058.