Traditional Undergraduate


This academic catalog provides both current and prospective members of the campus community with detailed information about Bay Path University’s academic programs, policies and regulations, procedures, fees and charges, etc. within the traditional undergraduate population.

Changes to Published Information

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this academic catalog as of its publication date in July 2024, information provided by this academic catalog, any website page that resides under the DNS registration of, the Student Guidebook, handbooks, and other printed materials or electronic media is provided for general guidance and it is subject to change without notice. This academic catalog or any of the before mentioned materials do not constitute a contact between Bay Path University and a student or applicant for admission. Individuals assume any risks associated with relying upon such information without checking other credible sources, such as the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the University Registrar, the Dean of Students, the Dean of the student’s School, or the student’s faculty advisor.

Bay Path University will include an addendum section for each catalog, to indicate any changes in effect for the current academic year that were approved after the initial publication date.